Sublime Text 3

Becoming a sublime power user

#There are my personal collection about Sublime Text 3


  1. The shortcut to show or hide the side bar is Ctrl+K, Ctrl+B (Mac: Cmd+K, Cmd+B). Up/Down Arrow Keys Move up/down the side bar when it has the focus. Left/Right Arrow Keys Expand and collapse folders when the side bar has the focus. Esc Return the focus to the active view.
  2. You can open Goto Anything with Ctrl+P (Mac: Cmd+P).
  3. To open the Command Palette, press Ctrl+Shift+P (Mac: Cmd+Shift+P).
  4. Full screen mode, press F11 (Mac: Cmd+Ctrl+F).
  5. To enter or exit distraction-free mode, press Shift+F11 (Mac: Cmd+Shift+Ctrl+F). A shortcut that marries well with distraction-free mode is Ctrl+K, Ctrl+C.
  6. To see the current scope, press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+P (Mac: Cmd+Alt+P).
  7. To show or hide the console, press Ctrl+`.
  8. To create a new, unsaved file, press Ctrl+N (Mac: Cmd+N).
  9. To close a file, press Ctrl+W (Mac: Cmd+W).
  10. To switch between projects, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+P (Mac: Cmd+Alt+P), which opens the Quick Switch Project feature. Before you can start switching between projects, however, you must have already opened at least two different projects.
  11. To open Goto Anything, press Ctrl+P (Mac: Cmd+P).
  12. To go to a specific line in the active file, use the ‘:’ operator (also: Ctrl+G):
  13. To perform a fuzzy search on the active file’s content, use the ‘#’ operator (also: Ctrl+;; no shortcut available for Mac):
  14. To find a specific symbol in the active file, you can use the ‘@’ operator (also: Ctrl+R; Mac Cmd+R):
  15. All these operators can also be used after a file name to target that file instead of the active file.(‘filename’#h)
  16. To switch between the most recent two files, you can simply press Ctrl+P (Mac: Cmd+P), then Return. That’s fast and convenient once you get used to Goto Anything, and probably easier than reaching for the alternative Ctrl+Tab.
  17. Switch between recent tabs, Ctrl+Tab for both Windows and Mac; Go to next/previous tab, Ctrl+PgDown/PgUp for Windows( Cmd+Shift+[/] for Mac).
  18. There are a number of keyboard shortcuts devoted to managing groups of views:

``` For Windows:

Ctrl+K, Ctrl+Up Move file to new group Ctrl+K, Ctrl+Down Close group Ctrl+K, Ctrl+Left Focus previous group Ctrl+K, Ctrl+Right Focus next group Ctrl+1–9 Focus numbered group Ctrl+Shift+1–9 Send files to numbered group

For Mac:

Cmd+K, Cmd+Up Move file to new group Cmd+K, Cmd+Down Close group Cmd+K, Cmd+Left Focus previous group Cmd+K, Cmd+Right Focus next group Cmd+1–9 Focus numbered group Ctrl+Shift+1–9 Send files to numbered group


  1. Here are the keyboard shortcuts to activate some of these available layouts:

One-Column layout (Default):Alt+Shift+1(Mac:Cmd+Alt+1);Two-Column layout:Alt+Shift+2(Mac:Cmd+Alt+2) 20. Sometimes it’s useful to simultaneously take a look at two different parts of the same file. Click on “File,” then “New View into File”. 21. Folding sh

``` Ctrl+Shift+[ Fold Ctrl+Shift+] Unfold Ctrl+K, Ctrl+0 Unfold All Ctrl+K, Ctrl+1 Fold All Ctrl+K, Ctrl+2 Fold Level 2 Ctrl+K, Ctrl+3 Fold Level 3

For Mac:

Alt+Shift+[ Fold Alt+Shift+] Unfold Cmd+K+0 Unfold All Cmd+K+1 Fold All Cmd+K+2 Fold Level 2 Cmd+K+3 Fold Level 3


  1. Keyboard Shortcuts Related to Bookmarks:

``` Ctrl+F2 Set a bookmark Ctrl+F2 Remove a bookmark Ctrl+Shift+F2 Remove all bookmarks Alt+F2 Select all bookmarks F2 Travel to next bookmark Shift+F2 Travel to previous bookmark

For Mac:

Cmd+F2 Set a bookmark Cmd+F2 Remove a bookmark Cmd+Shift+F2 Remove all bookmarks Alt+F2 Select all bookmarks F2 Travel to next bookmark Shift+F2 Travel to previous bookmark


  1. You can trace back your steps as you work through a project by pressing Alt+- on your keyboard. This shortcut will teleport you to locations you’ve visited recently, across all your open files. To move forward in the series, press Alt+Shift+-.
  2. To open the local list, press Ctrl+R. To open the global list, press Ctrl+Shift+R.


  1. The main types of settings are global settngs, view settings, syntax-specific settings, project settings, and folder settings.
  2. Order of precedence for loading settings:
    • Packages/Default/Preferences.sublime-settings
    • Packages/Default/Preferences ().sublime-settings
    • Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings
    • Packages//.sublime-settings
    • Packages/User/.sublime-settings

Note that Packages/Default includes the Default.sublime-package package even though this package isn’t physically located there.

  1. Global settings are stored in the Preferences.sublime-settings file.There are two important global setting files: the Default Preferences file, and the User Preferences file.To change global settings, use the User Preferences file.
  2. The syntax definition files in Sublime Text may have the .tmLanguage or the .sublime-syntax extension.
  3. Settings for the Distraction-Free mode are located in Distraction Free.sublime-settings.
  4. To enable rulers, choose rulers in your User Preferences file. Indicate where you want your rulers to be drawn by typing their locations as a list of integers using the JSON syntax (for example, "rulers":[80, 120]) representing how many characters from the left the ruler will fall.
  5. The tab_size setting determines the width of a tab character measured in spaces; 4 and 2 are both common values. When translate_tabs_to_spaces is set to true, the given number of spaces will be inserted in place of the tab character.
  6. The tidy trim_trailing_white_space_on_save setting automatically removes extraneous spaces from the end of lines when you save a file, which is generally desirable. However, some files expect these spaces to be preserved, so this setting may cause problems for certain projects.
  7. The ensure_newline_at_eof_on_save instructs Sublime Text to automatically add a newline character at the end of a file when you save it.
  8. The caret_style controls the appearance of the caret.
  9. The theme setting determines the look of the UI.
  10. You can change the color_scheme by adding the path to the color scheme manually, or you can click on “Preferences” and then “Color Scheme,”and find a color scheme there.
  11. The show_encoding setting shows the current file’s encoding in the status bar.
  12. To show the active file’s line terminator (also known as the line ending) in the status bar, use the show_line_endings setting.
  13. To ignore and hide folders from projects, use the folder_exclude_patterns setting
  14. To ignore and hide files from projects, use the file_exclude_patterns setting
  15. The binary_file_patterns setting ignores files while performing project-wide actions (like searching), but does not hide the files.
  16. Use always_show_minimap_viewport make the minimap viewport always visible. Otherwise, it is only visible when you hover the mouse over the minimap.
  17. The draw_minimap_border draws a border around the visible rectangle on the minimap. To enable this setting, always_show_minimap_viewport must also be enabled.
  18. This, ignored_packages, is a list of packages that Sublime Text will ignore. Ignored packages will not be available for use. If a package you use stops working, check first whether you’ve added it to ignored_packages.
  19. The highlight_line setting highlights the active line.
  20. The highlight_modified_tabs setting highlights modified tabs in a different color so they stand out more.
  21. By default, if you restart Sublime Text while in full-screen mode, you’ll return to normal-screen mode. This default setting is intended to make it easy to return the desktop. If you are going to use the full-screen mode often, you may want to change this setting in your User Settings file using remember_full_screen, which makes Sublime Text remember the full-screen state.
  22. You’ll generally edit a .sublime-project file in order to add project-specific settings and folder settings. To open the project file for editing, click on “Project” and then “Edit Project” in the main menu.
  23. Project-specific settings are added under the top-level “settings” key. If this key isn’t present, you can create it yourself. Here’s an example of a file setting that will only be in effect for files in the corresponding project:


"folders": [
    { "path": "." }

"settings": {
    "trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true


  1. Folder settings are added directly under each folder’s entry in the .sublime-project file and are designed to affect those parts of the editor that are related to the management of projects. For example, if you exclude files from a folder, those files will not be available in the side bar, in Goto Anything or in project-wide searches.

``` “folders”: [ { “path”: “.”, “file_exclude_patterns”: [“*.exe”] } ],

 "settings": {
     "trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true



			"path": ".",
			"folder_exclude_patterns": ["vendor", "dist"]


  1. Whenever you create a .sublime-project file, a corresponding .sublime-workspace file will be generated as well. The former may be safely committed to a source code repository. The latter, however, should never be as it contains many project details and is used by Sublime Text to keep track of the state of the project.

Note: Never commit .sublime-workspace files to a source code repository. They may contain sensitive data.

  1. Sublime Text .sublime-workspace files have another purpose in addition to storing details about the state of a project. They can also be used as subprojects. You can create separate workspaces in order to switch between files while remaining in the same project.
  2. Common Folder Settings
    • folder_exclude_patterns: Any patterns listed here will exclude matching folders from the side bar and project-wide actions, like Goto Anything and project searches.
    • folder_include_patterns: Any patterns listed here will make matching folders the only ones available in the side bar and project-wide actions, like Goto Anything and project searches.
    • file_exclude_patterns: Any patterns listed here will exclude matching files from the side bar and project-wide actions, like Goto Anything and project searches.
    • file_include_patterns: Any patterns listed here will make matching files the only ones available in the side bar and in project-wide actions like Goto Anything and project searches.
    • binary_file_patterns: Any patterns listed here will make matching files visible in the side bar, but they will be excluded from the side bar and project-wide actions, like Goto Anything and project searches.


  1. It can sometimes be helpful to check which settings are being applied to the current file.view.settings().get('<some_setting_name>'), view.settings().get('syntax')

For example, view.settings().get('tab_size') 2. If you are dealing with a global setting, this is the correct incantation:window.settings().get('<some_setting_name>') 3. To set a setting from the console, you can use one of these two statements:

view.settings().set('<setting_name>', <setting_value>) window.settings().set('<setting_name>', <setting_value>)

For example, view.settings().set('translate_tabs_to_spaces', False)

Note: If you don’t know whether a setting is a view or a global setting, you can try both ways and see which one returns a value.


  1. There are two main files containing keyboard shortcuts: the Default.sublime-keymap file — located in the Default.sublime-package — and the Default ().sublime-keymap file. The latter is located in your Packages/User directory.
  2. Sublime Text setting files use the JSON format, and they have a .sublime-settings extension (for example, Preferences.sublime-settings).
  3. A Sublime Text project is defined in a JSON configuration file with the .sublime-project extension as following: ``` { “folders”: [ { “path”: “.” } ] }


##Where to ask help?

  1. official forum
  2. Unofficial Documentation
  3. official help pages